All runners love cross country! Its like parkrun on drugs! Great for building up your strength and endurance, watch those PB’s get #smashed in January!
Nothing gives me more pride than wearing my club vest with my team mates and competing against club runners from across the region. It is even better because the whole family takes part, Rose in the ladies race and Sophie and Caroline in the U11 girls race #PROUD dad x.
- #1 – Clifton Park, South Yorkshire Cross Country League
In 2013 I ran the course in 32:23, this year on 11/10/2015 I ran it in 30:50 so some nice improvement as I approach V40.
Doncaster Athletic Club was placed third in the league after the first race which is fantastic.
- #2 – Northern Cross Country Relays, Graves Park
One lap of a two mile course, I finished this in 12:39. This was my second race of the day having raced at the Doncaster parkrun earlier. The team comprised Dean Watson 11:05, Peter Simpson 12:43, Wayne Martison 12:52 and Martin James 12:39.
- #3 – Graves Park, South Yorkshire Cross Country League
This time three laps of the same course at Graves Park, in 2013 I ran the same course in 42:32, today I finished in 38:24 – 4 minutes of improvement on a 6 mile course! Averaging 6:26 minute miles today (compared to 7:07 minute miles two years ago).
I actually covered the first 2 miles 9 seconds quicker than last week lol, I had another 4 miles to go today.